On this page are a few web sites you might want to take a look at. A broad cross-section of views and issues are represented within the general theme of hope through action.
The Council of Canadians, co-founded by Maude Barlow.
Cultivating Community is a non-profit organization committed to people, communities, gardening, farming, the environment and food.
Extension Rebellion is an organisation dedicated to creating a climate revolution before we are too late to save this beautiful planet. Visit this site to read press releases, get updates, watch video and download images, or sign up for the Australian branch of extinction rebellion at
Free The Children is an international charity and educational partner, working both domestically and internationally to empower youth as agents of change.
The PEN Melbourne Centre is one of 145 centres worldwide. It is part of International PEN, the leading voice of literature, which represents writers in 101 countries. Members are united in a common concern for the art of writing and freedom of expression.
Navdanya is an Indian-based non-governmental organization which promotes biodiversity conservation, biodiversity, organic farming and the rights of farmers.
Public Transport Users Association Victoria, Australia.
The world's leading direct-action ocean conservation and protection group.
The city is re-inventing itself.
'The Economics of Happiness' is a documentary and movement about the worldwide push for economic localization.
Yarra Campaign for Action on Transport.