About Me
Welcome to the homepage of Sue Jackson. I am a therapist, writer, photographer and activist.
Much as I love the bush and the beach, Melbourne, Australia’s second largest city, is where I belong. Its bluestone buildings, the mighty Yarra river with its rich Aboriginal history, its cobbled alleyways, its world-famous street art, its flourishing urban farming scene and numerous progressive thinkers, all make me happy to call it ‘home’. It helps a lot too that, though they have travelled the world, my kids and their families have all landed in multi-cultural Melbourne.
Check out Writing for a selection of my publications. In Photography you will see some of my favourite offerings. And to find out why I have recently joined the world-wide home-grown climate defense movement Extinction Rebellion (XR) simply visit my Blog. Recording community struggles against the big end of town is one of my main preoccupations. The blog also features occasional musings and images from this Australian life. So do please leave a message; I love conversation.
Over thirty years ago I lucked on the perfect job - working as an individual, couples and family therapist and supervisor. Issues of social justice and inclusion underpin my work, which is undoubtedly why I still find the job fascinating. If you are interested in learning more about my private practice visit Therapy.
When I accepted my son’s generous offer of a website a dozen years ago, I did so in the hope of adding ‘one more small voice to the ever-widening, dissenting global voice’ while encouraging others to do the same. My hope for this new revamped website is just as fervent.
I regularly communicate with people via my blog and Twitter, and I am always happy to make new connections via LinkedIn.
You can find my blog here
You can find me on Twitter @suejackson_melb
I post images to Instagram
Or connect with me on LinkedIn
And, of course, you can always contact me via email at suejackson.melbourne@gmail.com